60 Minute Custom Massage.....85 75 Minute Custom Massage…..100 90 Minute Custom Massage.....120 2 Hour Custom Massage…..18075 Minute Hot Stone Massage.....115
Signature Massage…..140 Cannassage…..110
Integrated Bodywork 2 Hour…..215 2.5 Hour…..255 3 Hour…..320
Cranio-Sacral Therapy 45 Minutes…..70 75 Minutes…..100 105 Minute Cranio/Massage Combo.....140
OPUS SoundBed
Standard Session (45 minutes).....25
Extended Session (90 minutes).....40
Chakra Balancing Session (60 minutes).....30
Enhancements Facial Massage for Sinus and Lymphatic Drainage.....35 Relaxation Facial Massage.....20 Foot Treatment w/ either scrub Or mask, and Reflexology.....35
Mini OPUS session (max. 15 minutes).....10