Custom Session
Each custom session combines elements of a variety of modalities, from Swedish and Deep Tissue techniques, to Ortho-Bionomy, Cranio Sacral, and energy based work to meet your body's current needs. No two sessions are ever alike. Appointments longer than 2 hours in length, must be scheduled directly with Tiffany.
Hot Stone
Heated basalt stones are used to warm and loosen the muscles, and when combined with Swedish or Deep Tissue work create a relaxing experience that allows for deeper muscle work.
This 75 minute session utilizes 1500mg CBD infused Hemp Seed Oil, lotions, and salves in a full body appplication to allow for the most benefit from their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Signature Session
This head to toe session, includes an Ayurvedic Kansa wand facial massage, reflexology, and hydrating and stimulating Peppermint and Black Pepper foot wrap, all while using a Bergamot, Black Pepper, and Lavender infused Hemp and Jojoba oil blend leaving you calmly energized.
Integrated Bodywork
In this specially curated session, elements of Swedish and Deep Tissue techniques, Acupressure, Trigger Point, Reflexology, Ortho-Bionomy, Cranio-Sacral, Visceral Manipulation, Cannassage, Hot/Cold Stone therapy, and energy work are integrated as needed throughout. This type of service structure allows any technique, tool, or product available to achieve your bodywork goals. Although this is a deeply relaxing service, its main goal is to leave you refreshed and renewed, and is available in time lengths ranging from 2-3 hour.
Cranio-Sacral Therapy
CST is a light touch, non-invasive, whole body alternative therapy that works with the unique rhythm of the Cerebrospinal Fluid as is moves up and down the length of the spinal cord as our guide to help release deep body tensions and dysfunctions around the Central Nervous System to improve whole body health. As we follow the movement of energy throughout the body, we use the starting and stopping of this rhythm to indicate when we have reached a signifcant site of trauma to be addressed.